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Catechetical Office

Catechetical Office

The Catechetical Office was established by the initiative of the Latin Patriarchate in 1994, to provide catechists, and more especially for those who contribute to the mission of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem in Palestine, with educational, pedagogical, doctrinal and spiritual help in the area of catechesis. It is supported by two independent offices in Jordan and Galilee, which fortify together the work and services of the Latin Patriarchate in these regions. The Catechetical Office does not only cater to the institutes run by the Latin Patriarchate, but to all Christian schools in the region, ensuring that benefits are received by the largest number possible of catechists, students, and schools.

The Office was developed in Jerusalem to be at the heart of the diocese as well as to enable all constituents to receive adequate support in terms of resource development, training and networking. It is managed by a director who works under the auspices of the local bishop, in coordination with the Committee for Catechesis.


Being at the heart of Jerusalem, the Catechetical Office caters to the community of faithful within its local context. Its role is not only to supervise a process of qualification and enhancement of human as well as physical resources; it also needs to be guided by the needs and aspirations of those who are in the field, namely the catechists, and, therefore, the students entrusted to them. Through various activities, the Office contributes to their ongoing formation. These activities include among others workshops, seminars, spiritual retreats, and visits to holy sites. The Office also keeps the catechists and their students updated with the latest pedagogical and educational strategies and skills, to deepen their doctrinal knowledge and help them to grow spiritually.  It also contributes to the monitoring of Christian religious education in schools; to the creation of teaching materials for catechists; to the coordination of various catechetical activities; and to the formation of catechists (education, spirituality, doctrine), through professional methods.

The Office outreaches to dozens of parishes and schools, hundreds of teachers, and thousands of students of all ages and sorts. Its role is essential in maintaining the sense of spiritual priority and providing nutrition to the soul and mind adhering to and sustaining the spirit of the Gospel.

"Go and make disciples of all nations Mathew" (28:19).